Saturday, May 7, 2011

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. Lin Yutang

Tomorrow is Mother's Day....the day we set aside to celebrate Mothers everywhere. I can clearly remember those years that we were trying and hoping and praying so desperately to have a baby, this was the one day of each year I dreaded! I hated the thoughts of getting dressed up and going to church and celebrating something for other women that I wanted so badly. There were at least two Mother's Days in those "dark years" I stayed at home in the bed.

BUT - that precious day in March - it all changed.....I read somewhere recently that your child's birthday is the day set aside that he was given life, but in my world March 10, 2004 was the day that I was given life!

So tomorrow my child will present me with gifts made at school (that his daddy went to volunteer at the school to help with - that could be a post in and of itself) Gifts that Davis brought home and ran upstairs and hid in the drawers of his bunk bed. We will get dressed up to celebrate what is now one of my most favorite days of the year at church with some of our dearest friends. We will pack a picnic lunch and head out to the zoo to celebrate not me, but Davis and the greatest gift I have ever received - my "life"

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