Thursday, April 28, 2011

Truer Words Have Ne'er Been Penned

Do you recall what I said last Saturday night? If not, here is a reminder:

"Our "tomorrow" may hold lots of things that we have planned, or it may hold lots of surprises. But we may be like those disciples and have no idea what our "tomorrow" holds, and it could change our lives forever! But whatever our tomorrow holds, we hold on to this thought:

Whatever happens...whatever you see...
Whatever your eyes tell you has become of me
This is not the end...
I am making all things new again"

Let me share with you the plans I had for my Thursday when I typed those words. I was going to either run 10 miles with Matt and then clean out the storage shed OR if CJ couldn't go with Terri to watch Patrick play in the State Tennis Tournament, then I was heading to Mobile to cheer on some Redskins.

Let me tell you what was NOT in my plans. My plans did not include: waking up late after sleeping on the Love Seat for fear of more storms coming in. My plans did NOT include rushing to my cell phone first thing that morning to call Terri to see if CJ was ok. My plans did NOT include crying at all that day. My plans did NOT include hanging up from talking to Jill and yelling to Matt "brush your teeth - they are on their way to pick you up to go to Tuscaloosa" (ha) My plans did NOT include watching them drive out of our drive with tears streaming down my face......need I go on?

But as my plans were quickly changed, I was reminded of this verse:

"Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

God has a greater purpose for what we have witnessed. And it is that purpose that will prevail!

Some of you know that our student ministry is reading the book Radical by David Platt. Maybe part of God's purpose is to see if we are going to really be Radical. We are working out the details at this moment, but Sunday morning after Sunday School, our students will be taking Radical to the streets of Tuscaloosa. Our plans are to go to Tuscaloosa dressed in work clothes and armed with bottled water, toothbrushes, etc. and minister to these people that have lost everything! We are ready to give to and serve the people of this state!

"Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus" 2 Timothy 2:3

Many of you have asked to see some of the pictures from the day Matt spent in are just a few from Matt's phone.

This is what they saw as they walked towards CJ's house.....could you imagine, as a mom, walking into this, knowing this is where your son is?

This is CJ's house......what a miracle!

I love this picture. This is what we gave CJ for graduation from High School four years ago.....I don't know if I am more impressed that it survived the storm or that he still has it!

"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." John 14:18

"Do not be afraid because I am with you. Do not be intimidated; I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will support you with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10

"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair" 2 Corinthians 4:8

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling” Psalm 46:1-3

I know that I have overloaded you with pictures, and believe it or not, I just chose a few of what Matt had. Before I go, I just wanted to share one more quick thought. I feel like all I have done since our power came back on, has been watch the news (minus car line, a t-ball game, having Davis' stitches removed, visiting at a friend's house, helping out the Hubauer's - well maybe I have watched a little of the news) but I have seen some pretty amazing things! I have seen countless stories of neighbors helping neighbors, friends helping friends, strangers helping strangers. I have seen two different news anchors on two different channels burst into to tears and weep to the point they had to go to commercial. I have seen amazing pages come up on Facebook helping people in countless ways. I have heard amazingly scary stories of death......and most importantly survival. Do you know the common thread of these thing? Alabama! Not the University or even the State - the people!

I have lived in three states in my lifetime - Alabama, Kentucky and West Virginia. Let me tell you - there is nothing like an Alabamian! We are a breed of our own - ask my sweet Georgian husband! Let me say in all honesty that Alabama is home -
"no matter where I lay my head" But I have seen a side of Alabama the past 48 hours that make me even more proud to be from this great state! And somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered learning the state song of Alabama at some point in high school. Just ask Matt - every time we would cross the state line on those long drives back from West Virginia - I sang the ENTIRE song. But this week - this verse has taken on a new meaning:

"Little, little, can I give thee,
Alabama, mother mine;
But that little--hand, brain, spirit,
All I have and am are thine.
Take, O take the gift and giver.
Take and serve thyself with me,
Alabama, Alabama,
I will aye be true to thee."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Stephanie and Matt for the encouraging Bible verses. God's true words stand across the centuries just right. Thank God for His protecting wings and covering hands over all his children!!! ~Grace
