Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Sweetest Days Are Spent With You

Mother's Day 2011 is now in the books.

It started out with sweet gifts from Davis that he made at school. A painting, handmade flowers, a hand-drawn picture of me sleeping and underneath it were the words "If my mommy had five minutes of peace she would rest" hmmmmm. My favorite was a cookbook that each child in his classroom contributed too. Here is Davis' recipe:

"Chicken Noodle Soup

Noodles the straight ones
Yellow stuff

Last night we didn't have chicken noodle soup. We had Toy Story macaroni and a pickle. But if she makes chicken noodle soup she makes double noodle soup from Wal-Mart. She puts in the noodles that looks like long sticks. My mom has yellow stuff that looks like water and it goes in there too. The chicken came with noodles so then she puts it in the microwave. It takes 20 minutes or if it is not I don't know what minutes. The soup is hot and I wait for it to cool off to eat. Then when it cools off I eat it, just chicken noodle soup."

I started feeling really bad that the only thing my child could think of that I cook for him was chicken noodle soup, but then I read some of the other recipes from other children (NOT Davis):

"She cooks some nights at my house but not a lot."

"My mom isn't a cook, but my Grammy cooks really good stuff like pecan cookies."

"All my mom cooks is pasghetti but she cooks some other stuff but I don't like it very much."

Maybe I am not such a bad cook after all....SO sorry to all those other moms. They probably slave away on a daily basis making five course meals, not realizing the key to success in your child's eyes is either double noodle chicken noodle soup or Toy Story macaroni and a pickle!

My boys also gave me Just Dance. You know all the running experts say you need to cross train on the days you do not run. Just Dance is the Scott family version of cross training. I mean really have any of you ever tried dancing to Rasputin. It is a workout!

Then we were off to church. This next little bit had nothing to do with Mother's Day but I have laughed so hard over and over today, I have to include it. After large group with the students and they break off into small groups, I head down to the bed baby room to see my friends Janna, Rosemary and Andrea - but most importantly that sweet child Charlee Ellen. Well, today Charlee Ellen and another little girl were fighting over this plastic doughnut:

I picked Charlee Ellen up and we went for a little walk looking at the playground. I never thought of that silly doughnut again until I sat down in church and the service started in prayer. As I bowed my head to pray I saw that sweet little doughnut down my dress. Well I started laughing and then leaned over to tell Matt what was going on. You know how when you were a teenager, everything that happened in church was always a billion times funnier than in real life? Well, that was what I was experiencing. People must have really thought I was emotional today.....not so much - I was just laughing until I was crying!

After church (where Davis made me the sweetest little potted plant) and the doughnut incident, we headed to the Birmingham Zoo, where I was surprised with another Mother's Day gift......a family membership to the zoo. What fun days we will have in our future. What a great little treasure tucked away in downtown Birmingham.

Here are a few pics of the day.......

First on the agenda - the train

Next up - those funny little otters

On to see the elephants

Then the funny little masks

After the zoo, we headed to PF Changs for a yummy dinner

It was the most perfect Mother's Day with my most favorite people on earth! Wouldn't have traded ONE second of it!

(And yes - Davis is wearing a Florida Gators Football tee! And NO - he was NOT allowed to wear that to church! Not sure why he wanted to wear that, or honestly where it even came from. This whole Auburn business was beginning to grow on us, and now we have to wear Florida clothes?????? I think Davis is just going to one of those people who can cheer for anybody. But regardless - he is our little football fan)

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