Saturday, November 12, 2011

How Do You Give A Title To Something Like This

My heart has been heavy this past week. You all know that we are a football loving family. Football has been a part of my life as long as I remember. My mom organized, my dad watched football and I got both of those genes. We have raised Davis to love football as well.

So this week, as news surfaced of TERRIBLE incidents happening to young boys in Pennsylvania, my heart grew heavy and my stomach grew sick! How could these things happen to young boys? Young boys that love football! How could a so-called "man of honor" turn his head and cover these things up!!!!!!

I am at a loss for words, but my friend posted this and it is EXACTLY how I feel! I may be at a loss for words, but Jon Stewart is not. So I decided I would just share this video with all of you.

May our love for football never grow cold, but may our love for doing the right thing never grow colder!

(Let me say up front, before you watch this - I normally do not agree with half of what this man says - this is a rare occurrence!)

Dont forget: pause the music at the bottom before you watch

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