Thank you so much for the early Christmas gift you gave this momma yesterday. You see, we normally come see you much earlier than this, but we have had a long three weeks wearing a cast. But, the cast came off yesterday, and you were our very next stop!
I am not sure what my child said to you, but I do know that was a lengthy conversation the two of you had. His Christmas list is much shorter this year, as I am sure lots of kids are due to this terrible economy. The shorter Christmas list was much harder on Mommy than Davis, he just took things in stride.
The picture was taken, smiles were smiled, this mommy teared up as she does every year, daddy paid for the pictures and then it happened.......that moment that time seems to stand still. Davis stood to leave and I prompted him to say "Thank You" and Davis said "Thank You" As we were walking off, I turned and said "Thank you Santa" and you looked me in the eye and said "No, thank you for raising a boy like this"
I froze! How did a three minute conversation between Santa and my child prompt this? I take none of the credit for who my child is! Santa, you know, just as we do, what a miracle this angel is! He came to us with an old soul, one that likes to please his mommy and daddy more than play with his toys! One that would rather hug his mommy than play video games. One that may forget time to time to say thank you, but it truly grateful for each and every blessing in his life!
So thank you Santa! Thank you for the encouragement you gave us! It's just one of the many reasons that cause us to say "We still believe!"
My heart has been heavy this past week. You all know that we are a football loving family. Football has been a part of my life as long as I remember. My mom organized, my dad watched football and I got both of those genes. We have raised Davis to love football as well.
So this week, as news surfaced of TERRIBLE incidents happening to young boys in Pennsylvania, my heart grew heavy and my stomach grew sick! How could these things happen to young boys? Young boys that love football! How could a so-called "man of honor" turn his head and cover these things up!!!!!!
I am at a loss for words, but my friend posted this and it is EXACTLY how I feel! I may be at a loss for words, but Jon Stewart is not. So I decided I would just share this video with all of you.
May our love for football never grow cold, but may our love for doing the right thing never grow colder!
(Let me say up front, before you watch this - I normally do not agree with half of what this man says - this is a rare occurrence!)
Dont forget: pause the music at the bottom before you watch
We have such a great dentist! Now a few years back, that would have been an oxymoron to me.....a "good dentist" - didn't think those two words went together. That was until we met Dr. Brad McKinney. He is a friend of a friend, so we really felt like we have always known him. Anyway - here are the top 5 reasons you know you have a GREAT dentist! (and no Dr. McKinney is not giving me any sort of discounts for all this advertisement ;))
1. You know you have a GREAT dentist when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt he loves the Lord.
2. You know you have a GREAT dentist when he gives back to the community. Dr. McKinney is not here just to "fill" the needs (cavities) of our community (Ha) - he is invested in this town.
3. You know you have a GREAT dentist when he is super willing to work with you in an emergency. We have not experienced this first hand, but I have heard from friends and others in the community that if they ever had a dental emergency he was more than willing to work them in.
4. You know you have a GREAT dentist when he coaches a little league football team. Dr. McKinney is coaching my friend Wendy's son's football team. Let me say this, Dr. McKinney does not have a child on this team, he is doing this because he loves these kids. I have heard from SO many parents that he is doing an amazing job - not just teaching the basics of the game, but showing these boys an example of Christ. Oh and he's a pretty good coach as well! Wendy just told me they are playing in a playoff game Saturday and should be playing for the Championship the next Saturday!
5. You know you have a GREAT dentist when he does things like this.........
Last year when Davis was in Kindergarten, Dr. McKinney came to speak for Dental Awareness month. From that second on - Davis has wanted to be a dentist when he grows up. If Davis has a chance, he will look in your mouth and check for cavities. The other morning I was eating a granola bar for breakfast. When Davis heard the wrapper, he ran into the kitchen and asked what I was eating. When I told him what it was he said "Whew -I thought it was a candy bar and you know those cause cavities." He fills the cavities and pulls the teeth of his stuffed animals. He has asked for two things for Christmas: a Washington Redskins Football Uniform and the Play-Doh Dentist set.
A few weeks ago Matt went to have his teeth cleaned and Dr. McKinney found some small cavities on the back of Matt's back teeth. Dr. McKinney told Matt that Davis could come and watch him fill the cavities. Well, Davis has been counting down the days!
Today was the day, and one o'clock could not get here fast enough for Davis. Matt said that Dr. McKinney was so good to explain each step to Davis and Davis did well watching everything except for the shot. Matt said at first, Davis just kind of stood back, not really involved but by the end Davis was leaning over looking at every move Dr. McKinney made!
So see - you REALLY need a Dentist like ours! I really think he is one of a kind! And like I said earlier - I am not expecting anything in return from Dr. McKinney for this glowing recommendation - maybe just a little help next October. Davis has decided he wants to dress up as a Dentist for next Halloween.
The other day, as I was cleaning out a closet, I found this picture:
This is my college roommate Becca and I at a JSU football game. I remember that game very vividly! We got dressed up in our "coolest" clothes (circa 1996 - hence those sunglasses) and went to the game with these two ATO guys. You see, the real guy that had my heart was sitting at the other end of that stadium playing trombone with the Southerners, but we were "on a break" I found myself for just a fleeting second thinking - wow - to relive those days again! We had so much fun! But then reality set back in and I had to finish cleaning out that closet.
This past weekend Matt, Davis and I attended the 55 year anniversary/reunion of The Marching Southerners. We had so much fun seeing old friends, walking across the quad holding hands, wondering the halls of Mason Hall, eating at Chickfila and wishing we had one of those when we were there, watching a great football game and seeing a trombone player and his non-band member girlfriend walk hand in hand after the game. Made me feel young again!
But throughout the weekend different things would go across my mind:
Those bills I needed to pay Worrying about my sister-in-law who very suddenly lost her mom this week Worrying should we have skipped the Southerners reunion and attended the simulcast of Secret Church instead Making sure Matt feels encouraged because he is doing a really great thing! Trying to figure out when to buy some new black dress shoes, since my only pair (that I have owned since 2004) have fallen apart Planning meals because I really don't want to eat at McDonalds this week Remembering how many days until that next dentist appointment And the list went on and on.
And then as I listened to them rehearse Saturday morning I - it would be fun to relive those college days!
You know the days when:
Mom and Dad paid the bills We never worried about death - we were invincible Wondering should we skip going to Lindsey's room to watch the new episode of Friends so that we can go watch the big Southerners Thursday night practice (we had no DVR back then) Making sure Matt felt jealous because I had lost a really great thing (remember we were "on a break") Shoes - no worries - I have so many shoes they wouldn't even fit in my closet, and if I didn't have the perfect pair, I would borrow Becca's Never worried about planning food - there was always Ravioli, Cecil's or my mom and dad always had hot food on the table Remembering how many times I had skipped which class And the list went on and on!
Those days were pretty special!
But then it hit me! As I was sitting in the stands on my 35th birthday watching Matt and Davis on the field at halftime with my phone in one hand taking still pictures and the video camera in the other, these days are pretty special as well! When we come back in 15 years to the Southerners 70th Reunion, I will see a couple with their only child, and long to relive these days again as well!
These days are pretty special!
You can't deny we were part of something special in college. But you also can't deny we are a part of something special now. It's all been pretty magical!
So I will leave you with some sights and sounds of some pretty special days - then and now!
Matt and Davis on the field.
Matt and I....again circa 1997....its always the sunglasses
Davis holding the music at the morning rehearsal for Matt and Mr. Holland, the music minister at our very first church. Sweet memories!
Here is the video from the halftime show. There are a few things you need to remember as you watch:
1. I am no videographer. It was hard to video with one hand, take picture with the other and tap my foot to the music. Plus my arms just got really tired.
2. If you are watching this video on the website, remember to pause the music at the bottom of the page.
3. There is a section of the video of a little boy playing on the field. That is our friend Jarod's son. It is quite funny. I made sure to video it as a reminder to me. I was so hard on Davis reminding him to hold the music still and pay attention to Matt. It really is just about having fun!
4. If you can stand it, watch it to the end of the video. You will see my sweet encouraging child pat his Daddy on the back! He was so proud of his daddy at that moment!
5. Well, after many attempts, we had to upload the video with Youtube. It was just too big to upload here. Hopefully you can get to the video from here. If you can't let me know, and I will email you the link.
My entire life, I have loved all things Disney. I remember as a senior in High School when most high school seniors go to the beach for Spring Break, I convinced my parents to take me to Disney World. My bathroom at home growing up was decorated in Mickey Mouse (even still as a senior in high school)
At some point (I think around my Freshman year in college) Disney decided to reward my love for them and decided to bring Disney on Ice to Birmingham every year my birthday weekend! So every year I spend my birthday money on tickets and take my Disney loving husband and child on a special date!
My two favorite people in the whole entire world
Here are a few sights from last night - a great date with my two favorite guys! Thanks Disney for what you mean to my family!
Davis and his best buddy Ethan, and Ethan's mommy and I went to Tomahawk Treats. What a GREAT idea! The football players, cheerleaders and band members sat up a Trick or Treat experience at the football stadium. It was so precious to watch our boys! They loved every second of seeing some of their idols "in real life"
So we packed up the cutest Oneonta Super Hero and Popeye you have ever seen, and headed out to Gilbreath Stadium
We saw some of Daddy's friends from church handing out candy.....
We even saw one of daddy's friends that gave us more than the one piece of candy they were supposed to hand out. But as you can tell, Caleb asked us not to tell anybody!
The cheerleaders and football players also carved pumpkins and they were sitting around as decorations. This was the boys' favorite pumpkin: We love Redskins!
As we neared the end of the track, the line started slowing down. I told Wendy they must be giving out REALLY good candy at the last hay bale. But what we found made my heart smile......
It was Coach Jacobs, the head football coach. He was there handing out candy and he took the time to speak to each and every child and comment on their costume. It was a precious moment for these two mommies.
That is the name of a classic book in the Christian world focusing on, obviously, revival. It is written by Leonard Ravenhill. I am not really sure how we came to own this book, not sure if we purchased it or if someone gave it to us, but it is one of my most treasured possessions.
Why would I consider a book one of my most prized possessions? It really all started very innocently. Matt and one of his friends were discussing a topic, and Matt mentioned this book. Matt passed it on to this friend, who then passed it on to his mom, who then discussed it with someone else who asked Matt to borrow it. So this book has been passed around to some of our most "kindred spirits" Why is that a big deal? Just take a look.....
Each time this book was passed from fellow believer to fellow believer, they would highlight, underline, write notes in the margin. What a beautiful sight! Take this page for example. Three different people were spoken to on this the point of action. It may have just been the simple act of underlining or adding exclamation points, but an action was taken!
This next week our church will be holding a series of services that we are calling "revival" Hopefully that will be the outcome, but I truly believe you can not schedule a TRUE revival. But that is a different soap box for a different day. But Tuesday night, we had Cottage Prayer Meetings all of the city to pray for revival. ( I so vividly remember that term as a little girl)
We hosted a group at our home, and this was the passage Matt was going to focus on (never got to read it - again - a different story for a different day) Just wanted to share it with you guys! I pray that it blesses you as it has our kindred spirits!
'This is the hour when we are asked over and over again, 'Is everybody happy?' God's purpose for us is not happiness, but holiness! Soberness has given way to silliness, even though Paul in writing to Titus warns both young and old, 'Be Sober' We surely need again to climb Calvary's hill on our knees, to survey the wondrous Cross in an attitude of humiliation and adoration. The Church must first repent then the world will break! The Church must first weep, then our altars will be filled with weeping penitents"
Last night, Oneonta played St. Clair County High School. Most of you know that our child LOVES football. So we packed up our stadium seats and one goofy teenager and headed towards Odenville.
Here are some highlights:
Headed into the stadium.....I am pretty sure Davis sees Carter as his hero!
ESPECIALLY after this picture! Sorry it is so dark, I mistakenly put the old battery in the camera (and the lights at their stadium are really strangely placed) but Carter took Davis to his very first victory line. Davis LOVED it! It was complete with cheerleaders, friends, and the football players tripping over each other and falling down (HA!) When they got back to our seats, Davis said "Carter can take me down there every Friday night" I am sure that made is exactly what Carter had in mind for his every Friday night plans!
And we got the WIN! Way to go Redskins!
Nothing sweeter than Friday Night Life in a Small Town
Now - on to the BIG decision......I have deleted my Facebook! I know most of my three readers could care less about me deleting my Facebook - but I don't want you all to think I deleted you as my friend.....I just deleted the entire thing. Let me explain:
Last night at the football game, I had an innocent conversation with a precious teenager and somehow Facebook worked it's way into the conversation. She said nothing about her Facebook or my Facebook - it was about something going on on Facebook. It cut me to the quick - and I changed the conversation.
Then on our way home from St Clair County, as I refreshed my mobile Facebook app every five miles or hit me - wow! I spend WAY too much time on here (actually that is something the Spirit had been convicting me about for a few months now)
But then we got home, got ready for bed and there it was.......the comment. Someone posted a comment on something that wasn't even on my profile, wasn't even about me, didn't even concern me in the LEAST bit......but it hurt my feelings. So there I went - down that familiar path of getting my feelings hurt, preparing to fight a battle I did not belong in, and becoming totally self centered!
As I went to bed, I probably re-read that comment ten times, trying to make it say something else - good or bad. And right there - on a whim - I deactivated my Facebook account.
Let me give you some reasons, that for ME, this was the right thing to do. I am not saying that everyone needs to delete their account, I am just saying that these are the reasons I did it. And please notice.....the new layout is no where in my list of reasons.
1. I seem to have a problem with moderation. I have always struggled with this in many areas of my life and Facebook is just one manifestation. I check Facebook pretty quickly after waking up, and MULTIPLE times throughout the day. That is simply just uncalled for. I have a precious husband and child to take care of......these other things don't matter!
2. I find myself comparing. UGH! The worst feeling! "Why do they get to ......" "It's not fair that........" Not a great place to be!
3. I read into things and get my feeling hurt. Take that comment last night. I am going to hope and pray that person was just having a bad day (or maybe year is what it seems) and needed someone to take it out on or maybe I completely misunderstood the point they were trying to make, but re-guardless, my feelings were hurt and I became very selfish!
4. I get SO sick of those people that list EVERY SINGLE THING THEY DO!!!! we know when they wake up, eat breakfast, what they had for breakfast, when they walked the dog, etc......WE DON'T CARE!!!! But the problem is.....I have to stop myself because sometimes, I can become that person! Especially where Davis is involved. I think he it the cutest child in the world and that he says the funniest things that I think all of Facebook would want to know.....but unfortunately - they don't. So I'll just put those things on here - you all have chosen to be here ;)
5. And bottom line - there are just so many better things I could be doing rather than checking out Facebook. There is a child to raise, a book to read, a prayer request, a room to paint, clothing to wash and then fold, a meal to cook, etc. My life is entirely too busy, I need to focus my energy there.
So there you have it, Five Reasons I Deleted My Facebook. As I said earlier, I don't think everyone has to delete their account.....this is just what it right for me at this time.
And anyway - Google+ seems to be really taking off and I really don't need TWO social media sites ;)
This afternoon as I was cleaning off the camera in preparation for the football game tonight, I came across these two sweet reminders:
Life is passing us by WAY too fast. It only seemed like yesterday this little red-haired, flip turning, Pull Up wearing, sweet faced angel was a daily sight to these sore eyes. But today, the red hair has turned brown, the flips are less often, the Pull Ups are WAY gone, and that sweet faced angel - it's even sweeter! BUT the point is - life is passing me by without warning!
Why does it have to happen that way? I am reminded of this in so many areas of my life: my sweet baby Davis will be 8 years old in a few months! My sweet friend Terri moved her twins to college and is now an empty-nester (she is WAY to young for that term!) How is it possible? I remember crying HUGE tears as CJ moved away - and that seems like last week! We have students that were in our student ministries thru the years getting married, buying houses, having children.
But nothing makes you realize how fast life is passing you by like coming face to face with your own mortality. Most of you know that last Friday I had surgery. If you did not know, please do not feel left out (and most importantly) please do not feel hurt. We told very few people - that's just who we are - we are just VERY private people when it comes to situations like that. LONG story short - I went to the doctor, they found a tumor on my ovary, had to remove it. The doctor is 99.9% sure it is NOT cancer. We go back Thursday for the results, but we all feel very confident.
While I was in surgery, there were some complications with my breathing. Again, sparing all the details, after being in surgery for about an hour and a half, I started to turn blue. I then had to stay in recovery for about three hours because I could just not seem to breath. Again - something that will be addressed on Thursday.
But through all of these situations I have been reminded: "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" Psalm 90:12
I was reminded, as I saw the picture and video above, the reason I started this blog. I started this blog as a digital scrapbook, so Davis can look back when he is older and remember. I have not been very good at this. I am going to try to be better.....but I think I might have made this promise before. But, today, I obviously pulled out the camera, charged the battery and I am about to start snapping pictures. Today is a day Davis will want to remember: Carter is here playing football with Davis and then we are about to go to the football game.
Yep - those were the last words my little football loving child said as he drifted off to sleep this past Saturday night. And honestly.....this past Saturday was the stuff my little boy's dreams are made football, a new "sleeping buddy", popcorn and a last minute gut wrenching win.....but I am getting a little ahead of myself.
I guess I should start at the very beginning MANY years ago. When we moved to Oneonta (the first time) God sent some precious people into our lives that we now count as family. Jim and Linda Henderson have blessed our lives in so many ways, but from the second Linda and Davis met, there was a unique bond. I can remember one Easter, Davis fell in the bathtub and had to have his chin glued at the ER and the first stop Davis wanted to make afterwards was the Henderson home. That is just one of COUNTLESS stories about this precious couple.
One thing Davis has learned from them is a love of all things Auburn. We have cheered for Auburn for YEARS now, all because of Jim and Linda. And let me tell you, it has not been easy. As a former "bammer" that converted to Georgia - I felt a little confused at times listening to my child say "War Eagle" - but we have come to embrace it. So, as season tickets came to the mailbox of the Henderson home, a little plan was being devised between Linda and Davis. That plan included the opening game of the season and a lifetime of memories.
About three weeks before this game, we were at the gas station with Linda and Davis stated "Mommy I am pretty sure Linda is getting gas for our Auburn game" Yes - plans had been in the making for a while! And someone was a little excited. Each morning last week, Davis' first words each morning were "How many wake-ups until Auburn?"
Friday night before the Auburn game was a huge Oneonta game in Alexandria. Davis was presented with two choices: go to the Oneonta game with us and then Jim and Linda pick him up the next morning OR spend the night with Jim and Linda on Friday night. Well it was a HARD decision.....he really wanted to go to Alexandria but he also really "didn't want Jim and Linda to forget me" so he opted for choice number two. Which is HUGE decision for my child that loves Oneonta football as much as Auburn football.
So spend the night he did, but sleep did not come easy. It was almost like Christmas Eve. Linda said when she went to bed at 11:30, Davis was still awake. When they left the next morning at 5:45 AM, he woke up easily and walked to the car! And stayed awake the whole way there.
Linda said as they pulled in to Auburn, Davis would keep saying "I just can't believe we are here!" Jim said each time they got out of the car, Davis would run and give him a hug!
First stop was the bookstore, where Davis got an Aubie PillowPet, then it was off to the Alumni Tent for lunch
Then it was off to the stadium!
Davis was able to see the eagle fly, which really is an impressive sight. But Davis was convinced the lady had an owl on her arm......HA!
As Matt and I watched the game, I committed Matt's "unpardonable" sin. I prayed that Auburn would win this game..... Matt always says he is not convinced that God really cares who wins a football game - but I am pretty sure He did that day! When it seemed as all hope was lost, I prayed even harder.....I just wanted this day to be perfect for our little boy.....and Matt was just worried how Linda would deal with both Jim AND Davis if they lost!
But win Auburn did and this little clan headed off to that historical site.....Toomer's Corner
Then it was off to the Payton's Game Day Condo, where the adults tailgated and relived a magical day and Davis.....well.....he relived a magical day as well....
Jim and Linda: Thank you will never be enough, but please know you have changed a life! Not just in who he cheers for in football, but in countless ways! We love you and War Eagle!
"The spirit of the Auburn family is a magical, mystical thing. It defies explanation. It transcends wins and losses on a football field. It imprints itself on your character and can never be extinguished. Being an Auburn fan defines part of who and what you are..."
"Believe me on this. Please. I have descended into college football's Grand Canyon. I have stood in its Alps. I have gazed at its ocean sunset. I have attended a game at Jordan-Hare Stadium in Auburn, Ala. And I've been changed forever." ~ Bud Poliquin
So I just sat down to read my newest installment of Southern Living and to my excitement it was ALL about football in the South! Now if you have been around me for a little bit you know that I love football! Little League, High School, College, Pro - you name it and I will watch it!
Football has been a part of my life since I was a little girl. I have never been the quintessential "girly girl" While my mom was cooking in the kitchen I was watching football in the Living Room with my Dad and Brother.
I remember when Bear Bryant died, I went to bed that night praying that God would just bring him back to life.....obviously I was a little girl. But, I venture to guess that I was not the only little girl.....or human in the state that night that prayed that exact prayer.
My senior year in high school, we were 0 and we lost EVERY game! But it didn't matter - it was football and I was HAPPY!
The biggest trouble I EVER got into in my whole entire life was over a football game. I told my parents I would be at a friends house but instead that friend and I went to Southside to watch my Wildcats play football. Ironically, I will be traveling there tomorrow night to watch my Redskins play the opening game of the season.....but no worries - my parents least now they do!
But some of my most vivid football memories were going to football games just up the road at JSU. Mom worked at JSU, so we could get tickets pretty easily and it was football - so we went.
So much to my delight this afternoon I turned to my favorite part of each Southern Living....The Southern Journal by Rick Bragg. As I read this month's edition, tears streamed down my face! I felt like an eight year old again! I will not include the entire article, just the part that spoke to me the most. But if you have any way to read it - I HIGHLY recommend it!
I know why I love it. It goes back to nights in Paul Snow Stadium, where the Fighting Gamecocks of Jacksonville State whipped Troy, or Tennessee-Martin, or Delta State. In my memory we always won, as, in dreams, you never hit bottom when you fall.
The JSU school colors were red and white but might has well have been dark blue, from all the company jackets from U.S. Pipe or Goodyear. If it rained we hid under Caterpillar caps and programs, but not umbrellas. We did not believe in umbrellas. On occasion, one would unfurl in the seats in front of us, and my uncles would grumble that "We'd see some football if it wasn't for all these parasols"
We never looked away at halftime. With a great pounding of drums and sounding of brass, the Marching Southerners, in perfect step, would sweep onto the grass. They played music from our history, and, if you listened close, you might hear a tuba player sing: In the sky the bright stars glittered/On the bank the pale moon shone/ And twas from Aunt Dinah's quilting party/ I was seeing Nellie home.
And the beautiful Marching Ballerinas, in red velvet, kicked their white boots high in the air.
Why do we love football? How could we not?........
I hope your teams, at least in distant memory, always win.
Unless they are playing one of mine.
We are raising our child to appreciate this time of year like no other time of year. We have been watching last year's games on ESPN. We watched the 2004 State Championship game at least three times a few Saturdays ago. Matt and Davis have been discussing top ten teams and why this or that team should not be in there. Davis has been planning which football toys to take to the first Oneonta game. Davis, Jim and Linda have been making BIG plans for Davis' very first ever Auburn game!
But we hope he has precious memories of these football games at JSU.....
Happy football season to you! Now I am off to call my dad and see if he still has his old blue Goodyear jacket!
After meeting in college, we were married in 1997. Matt is currently the Student Pastor at First Baptist Church Oneonta. He has served FBC for six years with an 18 month "sabbatical" thrown in! Stephanie is enjoying her days as a mommy.
Davis is an awesome seven year old. He is "all boy" and loves any kind of sports. He is full of life and a constant reminder of God's blessings to us.