Friday, May 28, 2010

The Beginning

Let me say from the beginning this is not the way I planned our first blog post!

The morning of May 14, we loaded up our car and we were "full to the gills." We had an air mattress, sleeping bags, a vacuum cleaner, a suitcase, pillows and us. We were moving to West Virginia! As we started out on our journey we decided to start a blog. We thought it would be the perfect way for our friends and family all over the country to keep up with what's going on in our lives, but also to keep everyone informed of Matt's new job and the flurry of activity that comes with it. About ten minutes into the trip I already had this first post planned. I was going to take pictures of ALL those boxes, us sleeping in sleeping bags, our cute little house, etc. I was excited! Then, our day just went downhill. If you have a few minutes, sit back and let me tell you about our move to West Virginia. You know Matt and I can never do anything without a "story" and this is a good one. Feel free to laugh, I was not laughing at the time, but now i can't control myself!

Our trip was uneventful until we crossed the Kentucky state line. At that point our car started making this horrible noise. Matt kept saying it was this old van that was beside us, but the noise got louder and louder until BAM! There was a louder noise and the speedometer started going crazy and we lost control. Matt quickly pulled over to the side of the road. He called a tow truck and I got Davis situated in the "woods" off the interstate and we waited. We waited and waited and waited. It was around noon and it was blazing hot! Almost an hour later, the tow truck arrived and Davis' first words were "You don't look like Mater!" My first words were "Thank goodness you don't look like Mater!"

The little tow truck driver was a sweet old guy. His first concern was getting Davis in out of the heat, so that meant I got to get in out of the heat as well, thank the Lord. He and Matt loaded the car onto this flat bed tow truck. It was petty interesting to watch, but then came the news - "There is not enough room for everybody to fit in the cab of the truck, so sir I need you to ride in your car." The look on Matt's face was PRICELESS! Off we go...Davis talking ninety miles an hour to the tow truck drive, Stephanie trying to decide whether to laugh or cry, and Matt in the drivers seat of our car on a tow truck updating his Facebook status. It reminded me of the Beverly Hillbillies in a way.

We finally made it to Corbin, Kentucky to this little old Jeep dealership. When I say little old I mean LITTLE OLD. All the interior doors we like old time saloon doors. You know - the swinging type. I kept waiting on Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke to come moseying along and offer us a drink. She never did. Quite interesting. The guy looked at our car and said there would be no way he could even begin to look at it until Monday. Matt decided we should rent a car and keep going. Davis and I settled into the waiting area of the dealership with another older couple and a teeny, tiny television. The other couple was super sweet but these are their exact words "I would turn the tv to some cartoons for yall but we just LOVE Days of Our Lives!" So, there Davis and I sat catching up on Bo and Hope and Matt was on his way to Enterprise.

As soon as Matt stepped outside - it started HAILING! (I told you our day went downhill) He made it to Enterprise and was quickly told that they had nothing available to rent, but the branch twenty minutes up the road did. She suggested we go eat lunch at Arby's and that "Enterprise will pick you up" (sorry - I had to). We eat lunch, this little fellow picks us up and we are off to the next town. We get to their store and Matt patiently waits in line only to find out the only thing they have available to rent is a KIA RIO! (insert giant laugh at this point!!!!) Now let me just say the three of us could not fit in a Kia Rio on a normal day of the week, much less moving day! At this point I am so angry I could spit nails. I guess the poor guy behind the counter knew it was not the day to put the Scotts in a Kia - so he said "Let me see if somebody has returned something" Off he goes into those magical doors that all stores have and he comes back holding the keys to a Jeep Liberty asking if that will do. Needless to say, we take the Jeep and drive back to the dealership, pick up all our "stuff'" and get on the road again.

All this time I had been texting my mom and Matt's mom and our landlord. We were supposed to meet him at 4:30 to pick up the keys for our house. We didn't get back on the interstate until 4:00 and still had four more hours. He was very understanding and gave us the code to the garage and told us he would stop by the next day to give us keys. He also told us he had put milk and cookies, chips and dip, and towels and soap out for us! What a great guy!

We eventually make it into Hurricane, WV around 8:00. But on the way from Corbin to Hurricane we had a lot of time to talk. At some point we remembered that we had a flat tire on our move to Oneonta. Maybe us breaking down during a move is a sign of good things to come!

Needless to say - there are no pictures like I had planned, but there was a really funny story. And as I think about my plans I am quickly reminded of Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." God had bigger plans for us that day, big lessons to teach and big laughs to be had. And I can honestly say...I am thankful.

I do have "plans" for some other blog posts and eventually I will add some pictures, but until then....



  1. Girl! I just loved reading that story!! I'm so happy that you are blogging. You are going to love it. It's a great way to stay connected and you'll meet some incredible people along the way.

    So much to tell you, so little writing space.
    Talk soon!

  2. haha love that u r blogging! fun stotry hope you are settled now! love you!

  3. Hi! We sure miss your smiling face! This story is PRICELESS! The hail was the best part. You couldn't make stuff like that up. I'm bookmarking this blog, I look forward to more. :)
